This research article focuses on the relationships between firms’ commitment to community and residents’ risk perception. This article is related to the Business and Society and Risk Resarch literatures.
This article research focuses on the effects on residents’ behaviour of cognitive appraisals and affective responses in the context of citizens who live close to a pertrochemical complex.
This research focuses on the main antecedent factors that influence the need for information regarding environmental hazards derived from the activity of corporations in a petrochemical complex.
This research article focuses on the possible relationship between environmental management systems (EMS) and citizens’ perceptions in the context of a petrochemical complex.
It has been written by the following Associate Professor at Jaume I University: Miguel Ángel López-Navarro, Vicent Tortosa-Edo and Jaume Llorens-Monzonís.
This research article focuses on the influence of Internal Market Orientation (IMO) on results by means of the mediating role of employees’ satisfaction, trust and commitment.
This marketing research article focuses on internal market orientation (IMO) and its influence on the satisfaction of contact personnel of the bank industry.
A marketing research article, called ‘Internal market orientation and its influence on organisational performance’, that it is focused on the relationship between internal marketing and organisational performace.
El projecte de marketing social que l’alumnat ha de fer a l’assignatura optativa de 4t d’ADE i del doble grau d’ADE i Dret suposa aplicar una metodologia d’aprenentatge-servei. Aquest projecte es va iniciar al curs 2017-18 i aquest curs 2022-23 continúa amb la mateixa filosofia que la del curs anterior i que la resta de cursos des del seu any d’inici.